Pismo Adisu Imamovići Piksiju, camp-coordinator-u u Kladuši
Zdravo Piksi!
Pored toga da MSF I MDM ne dobijaju dozvolu da rade, takva dozvola je uskraćena i američkoj
misiji :SAMS: evo izvoda iz njihovog obaveštenja koje sam juče dobio od
njihovog medicinskog koordinatora: "
Since early September, our SAMS Global Response field team has been on the ground meeting with
local actors in Sarajevo and along the Croatian border to learn more
about the current situation. Despite their tireless efforts, we have found no viable way to legally provide medical care to refugees residing in Bosnia at this time.
the Bosnian government is requiring every foreign medical volunteer to
apply in person for a medical license; this process is complicated and
lengthy, often taking 2-3 months. Due to the sensitive nature of
upcoming elections, government officials are reluctant to expedite this
process for any foreign NGOs.
Global Response is currently pursuing ways to support local NGOs and
grassroots response teams working with refugees in Bosnia through
donations of medications, equipment, and supplies. We will continue
monitoring the situation to assess if/when our services and your
volunteer efforts might be needed" u potpisu:
Sarah Abdelhadi
Medical Missions Coordinator
SAMS Foundation | 202.930.7810 | Washington, DC
te obavesti članove našeg teama, a mislim da bi i javnost BIH morala da
zna da vlada BIH (čitaj vlada EU) ne dozvoljava medicinsku pomoć
izbeglicama tj. ne dozvoljava ni humanitarnu medicinsku pomoć. To je
sramota i skandal prve vrste, da ne upotrebim kakvu težu reč koja bi
više odgovarala ovome što se radi sa ljudima u BIH. Ja ću sa moje strane
probati da animiram javnost u Sloveniji.
Dimitar Anakiev, dr. med
Medical-coordinator volonteer, SOS, Kladuša
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