sobota, 22. junij 2019


Humanitarni radnici, ne bi smeli da koriste nesreću drugih za političku reklamu. Nicanje anarhističkih zastava i simbola "anti-fa" kod bosanskih humanitaraca je zato vrlo upitno. Optuživanje napaćenog bosanskog naroda za fašizam još upitnije…Kako se uz sve ovo uklapa rad na tuđem jeziku, isto je upitno.

Humanitarian workers should not use the misfortune of refugees for political advertising. The waving of anarchist flags and symbols of "anti-fa" among Bosnian humanitarians is therefore very questionable. The accusation of the war-weary Bosnian people for fascism is even more questionable ... How does all this work for these working in foreign language, the same is questionable.
U vezi lažne politizacije humanitarne situacije u BiH: Umesto da se oštrica kritike uperi ka vladi i takozvanoj "međunarodnoj zajednici" - koji su odgovorni za stanje - sa ciljem da se begunci i migranti integrišu u zdravstveni sistem BiH - našta po zakonu imaju pravo - posledično zahtevajući da EU komisija novac ulaže u zdravstveni sistem BiH (umesto u IOM) mi imamo situaciju da pojedinci optužuju vlastiti narod za fašizam, što je potpuno suludo, Isticanje nekih političkih zastava i simbola ima cilj da pokaže kako se oni politički bore, što je laž, jer reć je o konformizmu najgore vrste.
P.S. Novac uložen u IOM ide u privatne (tajkunske) džepove a novac uložen u zdravstveni sistem BiH ide za dobrobit naroda. To jasno pokazuje za šta se treba boriti.

Regarding the False Politicization of the Humanitarian Situation in BiH: Instead of sharpening the criticism towards the government and the so-called "international community" - who are responsible for the state - with the goal of integrating migrants into the health system of BiH - demanding that the EU commission invests money in the BiH health system (rather than IOM) we have a situation where individuals are accusing their own people of fascism, which is completely absurd. The highlight of some political flags and symbols has the purpose of showing how they are politically struggling, which is a lie because it is about conformism of the worst kind.
P.S. The money invested in IOM goes into private (tycoons') pockets and the money invested in the health system of BiH goes to the benefit of the people. This clearly shows what to fight for.

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