sobota, 22. junij 2019


Humanitarni radnici, ne bi smeli da koriste nesreću drugih za političku reklamu. Nicanje anarhističkih zastava i simbola "anti-fa" kod bosanskih humanitaraca je zato vrlo upitno. Optuživanje napaćenog bosanskog naroda za fašizam još upitnije…Kako se uz sve ovo uklapa rad na tuđem jeziku, isto je upitno.

Humanitarian workers should not use the misfortune of refugees for political advertising. The waving of anarchist flags and symbols of "anti-fa" among Bosnian humanitarians is therefore very questionable. The accusation of the war-weary Bosnian people for fascism is even more questionable ... How does all this work for these working in foreign language, the same is questionable.
U vezi lažne politizacije humanitarne situacije u BiH: Umesto da se oštrica kritike uperi ka vladi i takozvanoj "međunarodnoj zajednici" - koji su odgovorni za stanje - sa ciljem da se begunci i migranti integrišu u zdravstveni sistem BiH - našta po zakonu imaju pravo - posledično zahtevajući da EU komisija novac ulaže u zdravstveni sistem BiH (umesto u IOM) mi imamo situaciju da pojedinci optužuju vlastiti narod za fašizam, što je potpuno suludo, Isticanje nekih političkih zastava i simbola ima cilj da pokaže kako se oni politički bore, što je laž, jer reć je o konformizmu najgore vrste.
P.S. Novac uložen u IOM ide u privatne (tajkunske) džepove a novac uložen u zdravstveni sistem BiH ide za dobrobit naroda. To jasno pokazuje za šta se treba boriti.

Regarding the False Politicization of the Humanitarian Situation in BiH: Instead of sharpening the criticism towards the government and the so-called "international community" - who are responsible for the state - with the goal of integrating migrants into the health system of BiH - demanding that the EU commission invests money in the BiH health system (rather than IOM) we have a situation where individuals are accusing their own people of fascism, which is completely absurd. The highlight of some political flags and symbols has the purpose of showing how they are politically struggling, which is a lie because it is about conformism of the worst kind.
P.S. The money invested in IOM goes into private (tycoons') pockets and the money invested in the health system of BiH goes to the benefit of the people. This clearly shows what to fight for.

sobota, 15. junij 2019


(summarizing one year of experience in B&H)

Curriculum for the lecture in Maribor on 18th of June, International Conference/ Pushing forward

Dimitar Anakiev, dr. med
Doctors for Asylees (Dfa), Slovenia

General statements:

-Health care of migrants and refugees in BiH borders on genocide

-Migrants and refugees in BiH, concerning the respect of human rights, have a worse status than war prisoners

Short description of five pillars:

1-The Health Care Law of FB&H which explicitly legit¹ health care for refugees and migrants was suspended. We do not know who suspended it and when. But we have seen that until June 2018 the refugees and migrants were not any more integrated into the local healthcare system. They were simply pushed back from the healthcare of FB&H. So the first pushback was not at Croatian borders but in healthcare. The pusback from healthcare is even more dangerous because soon it became standard, legit of racism in practice. At this point we are back in practice of „two medicines“ known from the history of colonialism („Corps de santé des colonies“ & „Assistance médicale indigene“). The paravane for the puscback of refugees and migrants from healthcare in FB&H was the MSF. They staged in the field without work permission 5 months (From June to October). Probably we have here a case of complicity between humanitarian organization and politics but maybe they were just missused by the politics².

2- As a consequence the Primary Health Care was and is suspended too (The case of Pakistanny minor who died from bacterial pneumonia on 13rd of December 2018 in camp BIRA, Bihać, after waiting more than two weeks to get help with high fever and coughing)... No reporting about epidemics no special treatment for people with disabilities, no special treatment of vulnerable people, no special treatment of drug users, no approach toward chronically ill patients etc. etc.

3-A public health program Medical Treatment of Migrants (all measures plus checking and reporting forms) issued by Institute of Public Health FBiH in May 2018 was and is suspended too (never came into action).

4- Emergency Medical Service (EMS) does not work for migrants and refuges. (The case of Abdulhamid, old 34, from Algeria, who died 3rd of February from bleeding after waiting in very hard condition for medical help nearly two hours in front of MIRAL camp, Kladuša – the EMS never came )

5-Humanitarian Medical Help is not suspended, it is offered but in a form that violate basic laws of humanitarian medicine. That means it is subordinated to the politics which produces crisis. It is not only difficult to reach, too often absent, of low efficiency using paracetamol in neraly any occasion as an universal medicine for all illnesses but it fails in the very mission of humanitarian medicine: to support patients and advocates their human rights. Humanitarian medicine is on the stage in B&H but it seems without a mandate to really fulfill its mission.

Conclusion: Lavish political forces is present in health care of migrants and refugees in BiH. This policy (Recently I read an adequate name: necro-politics³ ) makes health care ineffective bringing massive violation of human rights and consequently producing humanitarian crisis.
That is why we think that state of emergency in humanitarian crisis needs to be declared ASAP starting from an international coalition of NGOs (including local NGOs).


¹Diagnosis of Health Policy in B&H:
²MSF in Bosnia: How to keep good name without a good work:
³Artan Sadiku, Using Borders Against the Life („Granicama protiv života“:

sobota, 8. junij 2019

STATE OF EMERGENCY (Joint declaration)


“A humanitarian emergency is an event or series of events that represents a critical threat to the health, safety, security or wellbeing of a community or other large group of people, usually over a wide area” (Humanitarian coalition, 2013).

We, medical and non-governmental organisations, declare officially from today the state of emergency in humanitarian crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim to immediately save health and lives of thousands of refugees currently surviving in the country.

On-going humanitarian crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina caome to its new dramatic phase: the winter. We consider that it is now the last moment to prevent harder consequences for human lives by declaring from today the state of emergency in humanitarian crisis.

We thus appeal the government of Bosnia and Hercegovina, the European Union and United Nations (UN) to join our movement, to declare the state of emergency in humanitarian crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to use all human and material resources necessary to immediately save human lives.

Our declaration is based on the following main facts:

  • Number of refugees in Bosnia and Hercegovina is constantly growing. The national authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina detected the arrival of 21,201 refugees and migrants to the country between 1 January 2018 and 31 October 2018 (source: Inter-agency Refugee/Migrant Situation Report October 2018). This increase follows a large increase from September 2018- after a relatively stable four-month period between April and August 2018 in which an average of 2,329 arrivals were detected each month (with a low of 2,293 and a high of 2,489). It is estimated that - at least- between 4,500 and 6,000 refugees and migrants remain in the country in need of humanitarian assistance at various locations, in particular in Una-Sana Canton (USC).

  • Only 1/3 of refugees got proper accommodation/shelter. UN agencies state the following in Inter-agency Refugee/Migrant Situation Report October 2018: “While occupancy rates fluctuate on a daily basis, as of 31 October 2,064 spaces were available across six locations in Bosnia and Hercegovina, not including safe accommodation and hostels made available to a limited number of particularly vulnerable cases”. It can also be noticed that among the 2,064 spaces mentioned, 450 spaces have regular public health control. In other words, it means that almost only 30% of the refugees get proper accommodation. Lastly, report does not mention hundreds and hundreds of men, women and children who get into winter, sleeping in wetlands, in a bare ground, covered only with polyvinyl. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, -10° Celsius is a normal winter temperature and majority of refugees in the country get in Bosnian without proper shelter or no shelter at all.

  • Healthcare is one of the most dramatic sectors of humanitarian refugee crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina (along with shelter). Despite what is prescribed by the law and what is mentioned in different official reports (“refugees are incorporated into primary healthcare”), primary health care is still not allowed to refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina. UN agencies’ report on healthcare from October 2018 (source: Inter-agency Refugee/Migrant Situation Report October 2018) contains exactly 1071 words but among them no one basic parameter of healthcare (no mortality, no morbidity and not any other medical parameter such as any epidemic). The noticed total number of medical check-ups mentioned in report (3580) for whole Bosnia and Herzegovina is unrealistic for such big population with special needs. Health care of refugees actually nearly does not exist, especially not primary health care and public health control. That is why we can see volunteer medical staff helping refugees in the middle of street, in fields or in inns. This situation is dramatic and represent an absolute emergency.

  • West Balkans' state Bosnia and Herzegovina (3,5 million population) belongs to category of so called “post-traumatic societies”. Unemployment rate is 35.33% (source: Tradings Economics), corruption index 38 (source: Transparency International). Health care system in the country is still in development after war in the 1990’s. Conflict 1991-1995 in the region produced more than 74.000 uprooted civilians (refugees and IDPs) (source: UNHCR). That is why Bosnia and Herzegovina is itself the subject of humanitarian, economic and political help from the United Nations/European Union for twenty years. By consequence, despite the presence of different UN agencies and humanitarian organisations in the country, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a too fragile state to absorb and adequately face properly refugees’ flux of the new “Balkan route” which started in January 2018. Less than 10% of total number incoming refugees and migrants are properly treated. Reports given by UN agencies/national authorities very often underestimate the needs/figures. A dangerous humanitarian crisis appeared in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the last months, as civil society is constantly warning. Today, it reached a peak and a dangerous point of potential non-return if nothing is implemented and state of humanitarian crisis not officially declared.

Hundreds of refugees are currently without shelter and health care and are getting into the Bosnian winter. It is now the very last moment to activate humanitarian crisis cluster by establishing the state of emergency in humanitarian crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Written in November 2018)

petek, 7. junij 2019

Kladuša Mobile Clinic June 7th 2019

Ambulanta prve medicinske pomoći za migrante u Kladuši trenutno ne radi iz bezbednostnih razloga.zbog masovnih tuča. Želimo da se situacija čim pre normalizira jer mnogima je pomoć neophodna. Naš medik Piksi koji striktno poštuje ograničenja, juče je rešavao komplikovane rane kao što je ova na slici. Bolest ne zna za pauze pa tako i medicina.